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10 big lessons to learn from the Pandemic

The past year, aka The 2020, has been a tough one, a year of unusual uncertainty to say the very least. A lot has changed and possibly many things won’t be going back to normal ever again. Nonetheless, I truly believe that if we look at the past year retrospectively, 2020 has shared with us some truly important life lessons. What we’ve been through and we are still going through  to  a great extent, is an important  opportunity to start making a number of positive changes in our lives that will help us and ultimately, those around us.

Here’s a list of my Top10 2020 lessons:

1. Take nothing for granted.

As we have seen throughout the year and all over the world, fundamental freedoms that are the cornerstones of our modern societies, such as the freedom of movement, were taken from us in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus. Who could have ever thought that a $9 trillion worth industry (WTTC 2019), the travel industry, would simply cease  to exist during a relatively peaceful period?  Moreover, even the simplest things of our daily lives like meeting our friends and family or hugging and simply touching one another were forbidden. Thus, never take anything for granted, as everything can change instantly. Which smoothly leads us to the next lesson.

2. Never postpone things, take your chances and act now.

Do what you have to do now, don’t postpone things for tomorrow. Make that phone call to your parents, tell your crush  “I like you”, send that CV in and claim  your dream job, grab a coffee with that old friend you haven’t seen in a while, start writing the  novel you always planned to write, say I love you to those you feel close to. Tomorrow is not promised. Act today, you have nothing to lose only to gain. Note that as a general rule, dying people regret the things they didn’t pursue or postponed doing during their lifetime. 

3. Spend time with the people you love.

If there is one thing this year has taught us, is that human life is both precious and fragile. A total of 1.8 million deaths due to Covid-19 were reported on January 4th, 2021 (BBC) and many people didn’t even have the chance  to say goodbye to the people they loved, due to medical or governmental restrictions. Therefore, don’t  forget to spend time with your family, your friends, your partner, your kids, don’t wait for tomorrow. What if tomorrow never comes? Make memories that you will  remember and cherish forever. What do you think you’ll look back to  when you are old, that afternoon job meeting you had or the day you taught your kid how to ride a  bicycle? 

4. Acknowledge how blessed you are.

We tend to think that life has been harsh on us, that we are not lucky, that someone else is doing better than us, that we are not healthy or we are not privileged enough. It is time to stop comparing yourself to others. The pandemic has shown us that we are all equal, regardless of our religion, culture and economic status. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world are struggling to feed their families while others are fighting for their lives in hospitals. So if you’ve been through this year and you are reading this, congrats! You are really lucky. You survived. You are blessed. Appreciate what you have and be grateful you are here today.

5. Learn to disconnect from everything and enjoy your own company.

In one way or another, some more than others, we all had to abruptly disconnect from other people, our jobs, our daily routine, everything. Suddenly, we were left all alone, with just ourselves. For some people that was unbearable. Why? Because many people realised that they don’t know what to do when they are left alone in their house due to the fact that they were always in the company of others and eventually their absence made them feel lonely, empty and miserable. Everyone must learn to enjoy some alone time. If we can’t bear our own selves, how can we expect others to bear with us ? It’s normal and healthy to take time off from everyone and everything and do the things we like or simply do nothing at all. Take care of yourself and devote more time to you. Ourself is the only person we actually are solely responsible for. 

6. Enjoy the little things in life.

As the global pandemic forced us to rapidly adjust our daily routine, many individuals had to spend days or even months indoors without any human interaction. Everything seemed to go slower and slower and we started missing and appreciating all the little things that our busy schedule had us put aside for so long. It’s time to slow down, live the moment and appreciate the little pleasures of life. Take a walk in nature, breathe in the fresh air, smell the blooming flowers, feel the sun’s warmth on your skin, watch how calm the animals spend their lives, enjoy a hot cup of coffee, put your favourite music on, get comfy on your sofa and read a book or try to make a new recipe with your kids. In reality, there’re so many things that we underestimate and tend to forget, due to our never ending  struggle for wealth and status.

7. Be human. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Humans are social creatures, they developed in groups throughout the years, by helping each other and cooperating. Covid-19 has shown that everyone is both equal and vulnerable against it and the only way forward was by helping one another. 2020 revealed an ocean of kindness around the world, leading to countless acts of selfless heroism and benevolence. Every act of kindness or small gesture counts. Check  on your elderly neighbour, help that child at the supermarket, smile at the cashier, give your extra change to the waiter, help that old lady  cross the street. You will help someone at a time of need and you will unexpectedly feel a sense of fulfillment. Have in mind that someday, you may come to  a time of need. 

8. Believe in yourself, no one else will if you don’t.

As already mentioned, the world is an extremely competitive environment and all those who doubt themselves and their abilities won’t achieve much during their lifetime. Start believing in yourself. Confidence is a very attractive and charming quality. If you lack confidence and self-esteem, everyone around you will pick up on that and will underestimate or even belittle you. Accept your current life situation, make peace with it, believe in yourself and your capabilities and start doing more for yourself.

9. Set goals. Make a plan to go about conquering  them.

It’s common for many people to feel as if they’re adrift in the world, regardless of the amount of effort and work they put in. The main reason for that is because they never thought about what they really want to achieve in life and have never set goals, big or small. Goals are important for achieving a happier life as they give us a sense of meaning and purpose. Decide what you want to accomplish, break it down to smaller goals/steps, start planning and make the first move towards achieving them. The path won’t be easy and you will face many difficulties and obstacles. If you are stuck, don’t get discouraged, adjust your plan and keep working towards your final goal. Have in mind that, absolutely no one succeeded overnight.

10. Don’t give up, keep dreaming.

Since the beginning of 2020, every person in the world has had its life affected and transformed by the ongoing pandemic in one way or another. Everyone has felt a bit down at least once this year. That’s quite reasonable and expected. However, we shouldn’t give up, we need to keep going, keep dreaming.  After all, it’s dreams that fuel our passion for life. Don’t let the child inside you die. We are born with a vivid  imagination for a reason. Be brave, face your fears, dream big. Pursue your ideas and passions and live for what makes you truly happy.

Remember, through the hardship and challenges of the recent yet ongoing global pandemic, we have all been given a unique opportunity to reevaluate our lives, focus on what’s truly important and adjust the course of our lives aiming to a better future. So let’s all cease this unique chance and be a part of the change we want to see in ourselves and ultimately in the world. Take nothing for granted, stop postponing things, spend time with the people you love, acknowledge how blessed you are, disconnect from everything and enjoy the little things in life. Act  kindly to others, believe in yourself, set goals and never stop dreaming.